How to attract Chinese tourists to your business


The number of Chinese tourists traveling around the world is constantly increasing, the thriving Chinese middle class and its growing purchasing power continue to boost the tourism sector with people looking forward to exotic experiences.

Who are these chinese travellers?

The Chinese millennials are the ones that travel the most, it’s thus no wonder that their footsteps are heard and echoed in many countries across the world. These young people have a preference for unique and personalised experiences. As the last groupe of the one-child policy generation, they are the sole heirs of their parents and care much less about their expenses, which is an unprecedented opportunity for all businesses related to the tourism industry .

How to attract these chinese travellers?

Online presence is an important critieria to take into account if we are supposed to take a closer look into Chinese people, especially when it comes to comparisons with the Westerners. The Chinese digital ecosystem is unique and has been developed in a different way.

I. Chinese mobile payment

Once you have the chinese mobile payment solutions AliPay and Wechat Pay integrated, which is used by all the Chinese, you would be labelled as "Chinese-friendly" and thus able to draw their attention. Silkpay, as an intermediate of Alipay and WeChat Pay in Europe, would be your ideal partner to embark on a new discovery together with your potential Chinese customers.

II. Take part in the chinese social media

Chinese love to share their travels and experiences abroad on social media. A good strategy involves adapting activities on site to the museum, but also by creating official accounts on the most popular Chinese social media (Weibo and WeChat ).

The creation of an official WeChat account allows visitors to obtain important information more easily. It also allows museums to send "newsletter" as a push notification. Many French museums have adapted to its functions in order to attract potential travelers and arouse the need to visit the museum. The Louvre Museum in Paris is an example that took advantage from this unique platform to teach the history of its most famous masterpieces. The account also contains the practical information of the museum (address, coordinates, schedules, etc.).

III. Establish a PR strategy

The Chinese digital sphere is host to many sharing platforms (Q & A / forums) allowing Chinese travelers to share their experiences abroad. These platforms are therefore indispensable means of communication for the implementation of online strategies for museums. Mafengwo is a perfect example of PR online. Chinese travelers share detailed information about their travels and add photos, videos and notes to the places visited.

In addition, the Chinese tend to do a lot of research before their travels, hotel, restaurants and notably museums. Many other platforms offer similar services like Ctrip, QuNar (Baidu group), Tuniu, ... It’s interesting to see that Museums reputation is as important to chinese as that of a hotel or an airline for example.  

  Digital is therefore an effective army to target chinese public 

There are many digital techniques for museums wishing to attract Chinese tourists. The strategy must be based on Chinese platforms and adapted to the Chinese tourists habits.

Silkpay is a fintech company, partner of Alipay and WeChatpay, the main Chinese e-wallets. We offer mobile payment services on points of sale in France and Europe. Silkpay also offers marketing and communication services via Chinese social networks that allow merchants attract and sell to Chinese customers.
Our very large KOL's (Key Opinion Leaders) catalog will allow you to choose the KOL's most suitable for your activity. Thanks to our experienced copywriting teams, Silkpay will help you distribute clean and relevant content for your brand.