Alipay drives a significant increase in overseas consumption during the Spring Festival


Looking back at the concluded Year of the Dragon celebrations during the Chinese New Year (CNY), we gain a fresh perspective that goes beyond mere cultural festivities. It reveals a major change in how people spend money and emphasizes the crucial role of digital payments, particularly Alipay, during this festive time. The surge in domestic and international travel and online spending during CNY 2024 has set a precedent, reflecting a rebound in consumer confidence and a penchant for digital transactions.

This article discusses the impact of the Chinese New Year 2024 on consumption and the crucial role of Alipay in facilitating overseas spending. It highlights how merchants worldwide are adopting Alipay to attract Chinese tourists and boost revenue. Additionally, it outlines the benefits of accepting Alipay for merchants and how Silkpay integrates Alipay through several methods.

The Chinese New Year 2024 consumption phenomenon

The Spring Festival of 2024 marked a significant rebound in travel and consumption among Chinese travelers, surpassing pre-pandemic levels seen in 2019. This resurgence in tourism activity reflects the heightened enthusiasm for both domestic and international explorations. 

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism highlighted a substantial increase in domestic tourism, with travel numbers soaring to 474 million, a 34.3% jump, alongside a remarkable 47.3% boost in tourism revenue, reaching 632.6 billion Chinese Yuan (about USD 89 billion) during the eight-day holiday. 

On the international front, countries like Thailand, Japan, and France emerged as preferred destinations, with online booking platforms witnessing a staggering fourteen-fold increase in reservations. These figures represent an impressive 19% rise in travel frequency and a 7.7% uplift in tourism expenditure compared to the same period in 2019.

This trend underscores the Chinese tourists' growing desire for varied cultural and recreational experiences, ranging from the tranquil shores of Southeast Asia to the dynamic urban landscapes of Europe. The transition towards more integrated and technology-driven travel experiences signifies a broader shift in the tourism industry, catering to the evolving preferences of global travelers.

Alipay at the heart of Chinese overseas consumption

Alipay's significant role in facilitating international consumption has been further highlighted by the surge in overseas consumption during the Spring Festival of 2024, where transaction numbers by Alipay users abroad surpassed the levels of the same period in 2019 by 107%. Also, the consumption amount increased by 140% compared to 2023.This trend is not just a reflection of Alipay's growing acceptance across the globe but also underscores the digital platform's significant impact on the global tourism and retail sectors.

How popular is Alipay internationally? 

Merchants and brands in over 70 countries and regions now support payments via Alipay, catering to Chinese tourists' preference for digital transactions even when traveling abroad. This wide acceptance speaks volumes about Alipay's global reach and its importance in facilitating seamless travel experiences for millions of Chinese tourists. 

The adoption of Alipay has shown tangible benefits for businesses worldwide. For instance, a joint report by Nielsen and Alipay revealed that more than half of the businesses surveyed experienced an increase in foot traffic and transaction sizes from Chinese travelers after integrating Alipay into their operations. This trend was particularly notable in popular tourist destinations such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, where the platform's adoption significantly boosted local merchants' revenue and customer base.

These insights reveal the substantial opportunities that Alipay presents for merchants looking to attract and serve the Chinese market abroad. By incorporating Alipay, businesses not only ease the transaction process for Chinese tourists but also leverage a powerful tool to increase their visibility and appeal to one of the world's most lucrative traveler demographics. The statistics and case studies underscore the importance of adapting to digital payment solutions like Alipay to stay competitive in the increasingly globalized retail landscape.

The importance and opportunities of accepting Alipay

Accepting Alipay opens a world of convenience and opportunity for merchants worldwide, transcending beyond just reaching the vast market of Chinese tourists. It's about embracing a future where digital payments shape the norm, enhancing not only the shopping experience but also the entire travel and accommodation journey.

Alipay, with its integrated services encompassing travel, accommodation, and leisure activities, simplifies and enriches the travel experience for millions. By offering a platform where users can book flights, secure hotel rooms, and explore local attractions—all within a single app—Alipay sets a new standard for travel convenience. 

This holistic approach to travel and spending is precisely why the platform enjoys immense popularity among users, making it an indispensable tool for their overseas adventures.

For merchants, the benefits of adopting Alipay extend far beyond facilitating transactions. It's about aligning with a lifestyle, a way of travel that Chinese tourists and international consumers increasingly prefer—seamless, integrated, and hassle-free. The inclusion of Alipay as a payment method can significantly boost a merchant's brand visibility and customer satisfaction. Offering Alipay signals to customers that a business is forward-thinking and customer-centric, ready to cater to the needs of a global audience looking for ease and efficiency in their transactions and travel arrangements.

Incorporating Alipay, therefore, not only meets the immediate financial transaction needs but also positions merchants as integral parts of a larger ecosystem of travel and leisure, enhancing the overall customer journey. This strategic move can unlock new levels of engagement with consumers, driving both foot traffic and online visits, ultimately leading to increased sales volumes and a stronger competitive edge in the global market.

How Silkpay facilitates Alipay integration for merchants?

Silkpay simplifies the process for merchants to integrate Alipay, offering a broad array of solutions tailored to meet various business requirements. Here are some key ways Silkpay facilitates Alipay payments for businesses:

POS System Integration

Silkpay enables the setup of POS systems that can scan Alipay QR codes, making transactions smooth and efficient for both merchants and customers. 

Mobile POS Terminals

With Silkpay's APP, smartphones can be transformed into mobile POS terminals, allowing flexible payment options anywhere within the store.

API integration for online platforms

Silkpay assists merchants in integrating Alipay's API with their online sales platforms. This connection enables seamless transactions, linking merchants' e-commerce systems directly with Alipay's payment infrastructure. Through this integration, businesses can offer Alipay as a payment option on their websites, expanding their reach to Alipay's vast user base and enhancing the online shopping experience for customers.


Merchants do not necessarily need to have a website to accept Alipay. They can choose to create customized payment links through their backoffice or through the APP. Merchants can send these links to their customers via email, sms or social media, allowing them to pay remotely via Alipay.

By integrating these solutions, merchants can stay ahead in the dynamic global market, maintaining competitiveness and relevance in a world that's increasingly moving towards digital transactions.


The evolving landscape of consumer spending, amplified by the resurgence of travel and digital payments during CNY 2024, paints a promising picture for the future. As we advance, the importance of platforms like Alipay in global commerce becomes unequivocal. For merchants, engaging with partners like Silkpay to integrate Alipay can unlock new horizons, making 2024 a year of unparalleled growth and connectivity.


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

About the author: Silkpay

Based in Paris, Silkpay provides omnichannel and secure payment solutions to help physical stores and e-commerce in Europe accept more than 30 of the world's most popular payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, CB, UnionPay, Alipay+, WeChat Pay as well as Asia-Pacific’s major e-wallets.

Silkpay is a winner of the LVMH Innovation Award. The company was also selected as a finalist for the "Money 20/20" Best Startup and in the "MPE Berlin” Startup Awards. Silkpay also won the "Best Fintech" awards from Capgemini and BPCE.

Silkpay helps merchants deliver the smoothest payment experience to their customers. We are a talented and international team driven by a single goal: to improve the customer experience and make payments simple and secure.